A Joint Project Between Islamic Center of Kansas and MAS-Kansas City
The Hedaya School & Islamic Center, is a new initiative aimed at providing educational, religious, and community services under one roof (Hedaya Campus). It will feature a Masjid, School, Gym, Community Center, and other educational facilities.
Thank you for being part of this great community investment for our current and future generation, your unwavering support has made a great impact on the progress of the Hedaya project.
Urgent needs: Youth and children need us more than ever to help them secure a better-protected future.
Solution: Hedaya project is the answer to fulfill various communities needs especially school age children, youth and adults.
Project composition: Hedaya Phase 1 consists of a Startup School, Shelter & Gym, and a Masjid.
What is accomplished: At his point, all buildings are in Phase 1;
all plans, engineering work, permits and related logistics and city requirement are completed, successfully completed significant tasks from drilling piers, moving and filling land, underground utility, and constructing foundations both at ground level and below.
The project is ready to complete as soon as possible, the only obstacle that may slow down the project’s completion is funding.
Project Financials:
$2,230,000 (Paid) School Shelter & GYM (significant tasks from drilling piers, moving and filling land, underground utility, and constructing foundations both at ground level and below.) (11,065 sqft)
- $10M (Estimated Cost) Masjid, & Startup School. (15,798 sqft)
- $100,000 Available funds (in Trust & receivables).
- $1,000,000 goal to raise before the end of this year.
What Can We Do?
Make Duaa for the project
اللَّهمَّ لا سَهلَإلَّا ما جَعَلتَه سَهلًا، وأنتَ تَجعَلُ الحَزْنَ إذا شِئتَ سَهلًا
“Allahumma La sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla wa anta taj’alu al-hazana idha shi’ta sahla”
“Oh allah, nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You Wish, You can make th edifficult easy.”
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Help us collect funds with Allah’s help