Project Progress / timeline: Completed: The start of the construction with city approved earthwork permit Ground-breaking ceremony Ground preparation– earthwork started Final 3D project building plan published The City of Overland Park came back and demanded a storm shelter (usually waved for non-profits) Structural engineering started extensive and expedited accommodate for construction adjustment After all requested adjustment was met the City of OP Granted final construction permit A construction contract signed with general contractor “Olympus Construction” School Shelter and School GYM building; successfully completed significant tasks from drilling piers, moving and filling land, underground utility, and constructing foundations both at ground level and below. Underway: FirstRead More →

Project Progress / timeline: Completed: The start of the construction with city approved earthwork permit Ground-breaking ceremony Ground preparation– earthwork started Final 3D project building plan published The City of Overland Park came back and demanded a storm shelter (usually waved for non-profits) Structural engineering started extensive and expedited accommodate for construction adjustment After all requested adjustment was met the City of OP Granted final construction permit A construction contract signed with general contractor “Olympus Construction” School GYM building wall panels and roof materials ordered. Underway: School GYM foundation, piers, concrete floor School GYM walls and roof Ordered last December School GYM building installed byRead More →

Alhamdulillah! The City of Overland Park has approved the full construction permit for the entire Hedaya Project Phase 1 (Storm shelter/Gym, School & Community Center). While this took longer than we hoped for, the construction committee feels the additional reviews, design revisions including the approval for the Storm Shelter design will enable us to move into the construction phase more quickly. Please make duaa for all the brothers and sisters involved who have spent thousands of hours to meet the requirements. InshaAllah we plan to start the foundation in the next few weeks and will provide more details soon.

Assalamualaikum We hope this update reaches you in good health and prosperity. Alhumdolillah, construction of the Hedaya Project has commenced and Earthwork (grading, leveling, etc.) of the ground is almost complete. In parallel, utilities work has begun and is almost complete as well. InshaAllah, within the next few weeks, foundation work shall begin. Below is an overview video of the entire lot, as well as some pictures of the ongoing work and progress. JazakAllah Khairan for your continuous support and Dua!      

   Alhumdolillah, with the Grace of Allah, we held our Ground Breaking Ceremony on June 26th 2022 at the construction site: 16301 Roe Ave, Overland Park, KS 66085. Our community flourished in support of the historic ceremony and enjoyed the spirit of this day. May Allah give barakah to this project. Ameen!